Why doesn't Jesus take us to be with Him immediately when He saves us? What Jesus told a certain man after He freed the man from the demons who had…
In John chapter three, Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again in order to see the kingdom of God. What does "born again" actually mean? And just as…
Those were the words of the angels on that first Easter morning when the women came to finish preparing Jesus' body for burial. They told the women, "He is not…
The first chapter of the Gospel of John tells us about John the Baptist's testimony concerning Jesus. He said, "I have seen and have borne witness that this is the…
Shepherds?! Why did the angels go to the shepherds with the announcement of the birth of the Savior? Why not the king? Instead, a huge crowd of angels showed up…
Have you thought about the society that Mary lived in when Gabriel told her that she was going to become pregnant by the holy Spirit and be pregnant before she…
Isaiah 9:6-7, a passage so descriptive of Jesus that the angels quoted it when they came to the shepherds to announce the birth of the Messiah. He may have come…
If you've seen Mel Gibson's graphic cinematic portrayal of Jesus' crucifixion, you have a pretty good idea of the physical brutality He endured for us. But that's not the half…
What do I have to do for God to forgive me? It's both easier and harder than most people think. In Psalm 32, David told of what a blessing it…
Why is it important that we understand the depth of our sinfulness? Pastor Mike will help us explore this essential question and, in the light of that discussion, we celebrate…