The Apostle Paul had been praying to be able to go to Rome for a long time. But first, he had to go to Jerusalem to give a report and…
The Apostle Paul was willing to follow Jesus, even unto death. How about you and me? And maybe more importantly, will we follow Him in the "small things?"
The truth of the matter is, this truth (the Gospel) doesn’t sell. and it doesn’t grow churches. It grows genuine believers, but it doesn’t grow churches. We want to be…
When we share our faith, the results can be unpredictable. To us. But God knows exactly what will happen because He's the one who does the persuading. All He expects…
Paul wrote that if Jesus had not risen from the dead, then we who have put our trust in Him for salvation and have submitted to His leadership are the…
Join us as we consider together the crucifixion of Jesus and its ramifications then and now.
When we witness, scripture is the most powerful tool we have. Our amazing story won't convince anyone, but God can do wonderful things with His own words.
No one likes to suffer and we especially do not look forward to being persecuted. But our painful experiences can often be the means God uses to bring salvation to…
As we delve into Acts 16:1-15, we see how God led Paul and the others in his group to bring the Gospel to Europe. We note some of God's methods…
Peter, Paul, and Barnabas present facts that make it clear to the first church council that salvation is by grace alone — for both Jews and gentiles. We also learn…